Package crino :: Module network :: Class OutputAutoEncoder
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class OutputAutoEncoder

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Instance Methods [hide private]
Initializes the params of the submodules.
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Inherited from AutoEncoder: __init__, hiddenValues

Inherited from MultiLayerPerceptron: checkBadmoveHook, checkBatchHook, checkEpochHook, checkLearningParameters, defaultLearningParameters, finetune, getGeometry, getParameters, initBadmoveHook, initBatchHook, initEpochHook, setParameters, train

Inherited from module.Sequential: prepareGeometry, prepareOutput

Inherited from module.Container: add

Inherited from module.Module: criterionFunction, forward, forwardFunction, holdFunction, linkInputs, linkModule, prepare, prepareBackup, restoreFunction, save, trainFunction

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from module.Container: modules

Inherited from module.Module: backupParams, inputs, nInputs, nOutputs, outputs, params, prepared

Method Details [hide private]


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Initializes the params of the submodules. The Sequential module params will include the params of its submodules .
Overrides: module.Module.prepareParams
(inherited documentation)