Package crino :: Module network :: Class InputOutputDeepArchitecture
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Class InputOutputDeepArchitecture

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An InputOutputDeepArchitecture (IODA) is a specialization of the DNN, where the layers are divided into three categories : the input layers, the link layer and the output layers. It has been specifically designed for cases where both the input and the output spaces are high-dimensional.

The input and output layers are pretrained on the training example (x) and the training labels (y), respectively, using a Stacked AutoEncoder strategy, as for DNNs.

The link layer can optionally be pretrained, using as input and output data the hidden representations of the deepmost input and output autoencoders, respectively.

See Also: DeepNeuralNetwork, Stacked Denoising Autoencoders tutorial

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, nUnitsInput, nUnitsOutput, outputActivation=<class crino.module.Sigmoid at 0x2b85740f5db8>)
Constructs a new InputOutputDeepArchitecture.
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Inherited from PretrainedMLP: prepareParams, pretrainInputAutoEncoders, pretrainOutputAutoEncoders, train

Inherited from MultiLayerPerceptron: checkBadmoveHook, checkBatchHook, checkEpochHook, checkLearningParameters, defaultLearningParameters, finetune, getGeometry, getParameters, initBadmoveHook, initBatchHook, initEpochHook, setParameters

Inherited from module.Sequential: prepareGeometry, prepareOutput

Inherited from module.Container: add

Inherited from module.Module: criterionFunction, forward, forwardFunction, holdFunction, linkInputs, linkModule, prepare, prepareBackup, restoreFunction, save, trainFunction

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from module.Container: modules

Inherited from module.Module: backupParams, inputs, nInputs, nOutputs, outputs, params, prepared

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, nUnitsInput, nUnitsOutput, outputActivation=<class crino.module.Sigmoid at 0x2b85740f5db8>)

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Constructs a new InputOutputDeepArchitecture.
  • nUnitsInput (int list) - The sizes of the (input and hidden) representations on the input side.
  • nUnitsOutput (int list) - The sizes of the (hidden and output) representations on the output side.
  • outputActivation (class derived from Activation) - The type of activation for the output layer.
Overrides: module.Module.__init__

Attention: outputActivation parameter is not an instance but a class.